Introducing? 4


The 5×100 wheel market is not destined for development. I expect that the ZN6/ZC6 will be dead by 2017, and if something replaces it, then like the new WRX it will likely be 5×114.

I find the current 5×100 offerings quite boring, so I sketched up a modified version of my favourite wheel of all time. I’m doubtful producing such a wheel could ever pay for itself… but maybe one day when I leave stock and start installing all the parts on the shelf, I’ll spend a good chunk of money and make myself a set of these.

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4 thoughts on “Introducing?

  • Devin

    You can get 16″ SSR 3piece on kijiji for like $600. I’ve got a couple sets around.
    Custom machine the centers to fit. Wouldn’t be that steep. Use
    Or just re-drill your hubs like a normal person.

  • Q

    That website legit? I’ve been looking at getting some other stuff CNC cut and came across it, but dismissed it as nothing real…

  • Devin

    It’s real.
    I’ve had RCAs made in China and shipped here using it. Keep it in Canada for the least hassle, as I’ve learned. Lots of desperate for work guys out east.
    Haven’t used it in a few years though. Some of the smaller guys I kept in touch with said it was getting too expensive for them to use.