Monthly Archives: June 2005

Well… I’ve been meaning to get here for a few weeks now but it’s been really crazy. Massive rainfall has at times, literally turned our acreage into an island. The basement is flooded, the roof is leaking and there has been at times, a river 4” deep flowing in one end of the garage and out the other. My Dad’s […]

Stratotech Drift Practice

Picked up a JZA Torsen diff for the GZ out of desperation after discovering the OEM Clutch LSD was useless. Not ideal for drifting but can’t be any worse then open. One day I’ll cave and pick up a Kaaz unit but Vegas vacation says it’s won’t be this month. Third time with the rear end in an out, barely […]


It’s been raining for about a week straight… no more than that. This means my next paycheck won’t even be half of what it usually is, which makes things difficult when there’s so much going on. I’ve been meaning to write here more, as I’ve been spending so much time cruising the web and finding absolutely no online car life […]

You guys probably don’t know Vickers yet. I asked him to write a little bit on drifting for me, simply because I think he’s a bit of a genius on the topic. At only 18 years old, this guy has been through more than I have in many ways. He’s already on his second 86, after the first one was […]