

When Zoolander came out in 2001, one of the core jokes in the film was the big-time designer putting together a fashion line called “Derelicte” based on the rags and garbage worn by street urchins in The Big City. It seemed obviously absurd, and we laughed. In 2012 Macklemore released his song Thrift Shop and we agreed that paying $50 […]

Hipsterism & Embracing Delapidation


I can do this without being hateful or argumentative… but because you are my brother, I’m going to tell you like I see it. If you are the common car enthusiast, you might be the greatest enemy that real hardcore motorsports enthusiasts and participants have. This is partly because we don’t give a crap how fast you can take a highway offramp […]

Arguecat & Motorsports


[qr]GaraGe fits on this map, but you know it wasn’t I. What a piss off that they are not only in my front yard, but they are also driving my car. I have been known to say that if you race on the street, “death awaits you.” Well it may be that that death looks a helluva lot like a […]

You Know It Wasn’t Me


A stock AE86 is a car with an aftermarket LSD, coilovers, RCA’s, exhaust and intake, seats, steering wheel and baseball bat fenders. No one… I mean NO ONE wants to drive an AE86 that is truly stock, and NO ONE since 1997 has ever owned an AE86 that was truly unmodified. I thought ZN6/ZC6/FT86 would be slightly different, and it […]

86 Stock

Monkies Monkies Monkies Monkies Modern punctuation and grammar. Do you get it? You obviously get it. Yes, I know I use "..." inappropriately. Yes, I know globalism isn't in the dictionary... but you know exactly what I mean don't you? Or are you really so far OTB, that you sit there with your dictionary trying to tear this all apart word by word? Maybe you are... Move on... this isn't the place to learn English. The nice thing about our language, is that so often, we can just throw a bunch of words together, and the gist of it is still clear as can be. We don't have to write every word to make sentence clear. We don't even have to spell these words correct1y. It's nice that your passionate about letters and commas, it's nice that your a perfectionist... but really it's just some elitist ploy to keep those of us who are ...

QR Grammar


Hail to AE86 owners everywhere. Props to Dori-Kaze. I’ve been spoiled by what must be the greatest auto community in the whole world, and now I’m entering into what may be the worst. All-Trac forums make me ashamed of my new car. I’d probably have better luck finding shift linkage part numbers, or rear strut dimensions for ST185H on an […]

Kick It People Six