Monthly Archives: June 2006

I’ve written but I haven’t updated. The main page says something about major mods being in the works for my car. That’s not the case. It sits idle. I tried getting the MSNS running on the weekend, but I need to do some more reading first. Something many people claim as being easy, turns out to be a little more […]

Privately on the Road Course

Thanks ShawnAuto-x last night on the road course. This was my first time driving on Azenis 615 and I was not impressed. In 8 years I've run a good variety of tires, and I have some solid favorites that I would gladly buy again. In the case of the Azenis, I was looking for a fast tire that I could drive rain or shine, on the track and on the street. Past experience in mind, I would have picked the Advan A032R. Not a really fast tire, compared with other R designated tires, but a solid rain tire, and one with forgiving characteristics (which is prime for going really fast). The Yokohama name though... is not cheap. So when I came across Azenis at STRD for significantly less dollars than the Advan I thought they would be worth a try. The Azenis is afterall... the tire of choice for most FD drivers and dominates SCCA solo 2 street tire classes. [...]

First Auto-x on Azenis

DTP was cool. Car shows aren’t my thing… but my car looks good and I’m happy.

DTP… meh

Things happen that make me want to sell my car and give up this life. A difficult drift practice on June 01, whose consequences I have been dealing with this week, a saturday wedding and a beautiful girl, a shattered clutch disc, a smoking engine. Work becomes overwhelming, and I’ve made some promises that I can’t keep. That said… I […]

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