Monthly Archives: July 2006

A Legend of AW11 begins. Those last few runs were amazing Randy. You should send me some pictures.

Legend of AW11

I was ready to buy a GTR on Wednesday… but it never happened. I think… (at least I feel this way today) that I’m going to keep driving AE86. A GTR is amazing… but here’s the thing with AE86. I’ve been driving AE86 over the past 8 years, believing the car was superior to all others. There were times I […]

BNR32 Bail

Everything is a blur. The monstrosities of life have overwhelmed me. Stay cool and keep your wits. My camera died. Vancouver was difficult. I drove like shit. I did nothing except embarrass myself, and I let the difficult parts of life destroy what could have been good. Nevertheless, stronger friendships have been formed. I have new goals in driving, and […]


Boredom and business. A major update is due, which will reflect the fact that this website has become entirely my own. I’ve become lazy with such things recently though… so… stay tuned. Anthony L. last years Canadian National DS champion, and I have recently found a shared strategy for competitive driving. I’ll be codriving his supercharged DC5 in Vancouver this […]

Andrew and I went to the CSCC auto-x again on Wednesday. I still struggled with the 615’s, and Andrew agrees that they’re really slippery. The car is definitely slower. Cars that I was tight with at the first events now leave me way behind. Pressures were finalized by the pyrometer at 46/39psi on a hot day where track temperatures read […]

RT615 Struggles