Monthly Archives: September 2007

Bought something… … Not an all-weather monster. … Not an AE86…I came upon a few realizations recently. One: AE86 is played out. I want to be different. I want to be in small company again. While I still love AE86… recent online pictures of my old coupe in it’s new owners hands, kinda of pushed me away hard. Not sure […]

New Car

Still don’t want to bail on AE86 life… but it’s really hard to justify it. We got guys selling rusty AE86’s with a few mods for 6500$. The heck is that??? Do you know what 6500 buys? So I verbally committed to buying something else… and I probably would own it today, if I hadn’t gotten pneumonia and confined myself […]

Initial D Tax < Drift JDM Fanboy Tax

Been seriously shopping and bidding for my all weather monster. No luck yet… It’s a major struggle for me not to have cool wheels this time of the year. There’s just something about this weather and mood that makes me want to get up at 4am and go drive. Not fitting for a Jeep Cherokee. Cruised up to Drumheller last […]


A little comparison… for those enthusiastic about such things…   ST185 RNN14 CD9A GC8 weight (kg) 1460 1230 1240 1220 output (ps) 225 235 250 240 torque (kgm) 31 29 31.5 31 length (mm) 4430 3975 4310 4340 width (mm) 1745 1690 1695 1690 Pig Alert. Actually… I won’t be so critical.  There’s a lot more going on then just […]

4WD Comparo

September… I’m hella impatient. Winter makes AE86 life less appealing. Or rather… winter makes AE86 life less appealing, having experienced an all weather monster. My wife and I were talking and remember what the RNN14 was like last year. I called it, the best car I’ve ever owned… and despite all the beauties and vintage feelings inherent in AE86, something […]

The All Weather Monster Concept Continues