Monthly Archives: October 2011

It’s fall. I missed the last weekend of driving by blowing a hard coolant line on a night run. I guess my soldering skills weren’t up to task, but I’m pretty confident that my ability to gob on JB-Weld is. I am now completely leak free and driving dry for the first time all year. I guess it was a […]

Now What?

Having a booster masks how much the bulkhead actually flexes when you put real pressure on the brake pedal. Without a booster every stop takes as much leg work as any stop would with a booster equipped, and given that, you really notice how much the bulkhead flexes and the master cylinder twists. It can be gross. So I built […]

Boosterless Brakes Continued


Grainy.  Distributor relocation or DLI kits are typically the most expensive or hack part of 20V swaps… and from the engine’s standpoint this is neither.  It sure is hack from the chassis point of view… but I’ve already cut and welded and braced my chassis so much that this seemed entirely trivial.  Total cost was like $7 worth of sheet […]

20V Auxillaries PT@ – Ignition


Ha. I doubt it. Pretty hard to walk away from this.
