Monthly Archives: November 2016


The contemporary popular sci-fi motion picture “Arrival” incorporates the interesting concept that language can determine the perception of reality. The main character learns the non-linear alien language, and *spoiler alert* literally learns how to perceive the time space continuum in a non-linear way. V and I have recenly experienced the same phenomenon. The contrast of our new vehicle compared to […]

Mr. Leapfrog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and ...

I’m not one who really believes that video games skills translate to real life, or visa-versa, but having played my fair share, I believe that good racing games do at least get you thinking about the right concepts. Certainly, the serious gamers who I have driven with, always show real understanding of theory. I’ve been playing the Gran Truismo franchise […]

When I’m Lazy


Road & Track is full of lots of shit… and this probably belongs in that category, but on their Facebook feed this morning I saw something that applies to me. Something that I had already considered and evaluated, and started to act on… The fruits of that action are seen above. A quote from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden… “Beware of […]

Don’t Be A Tool


Yah it’s that time of year again… but the truth is that I think seriously about World Rally Blue all year round. I am generally always in some state of regret about a past car sale. For quite some time, it was my RN66 truck. I’ve moved past the loss of my AE86, yet I still regret giving up the […]

Always Blue