Boredom and business.

A major update is due, which will reflect the fact that this website has become entirely my own. I’ve become lazy with such things recently though… so… stay tuned.

Anthony L. last years Canadian National DS champion, and I have recently found a shared strategy for competitive driving. I’ll be codriving his supercharged DC5 in Vancouver this weekend at the Kumho Super Challenge. The format of the Kumho challenge is not that of a typical auto-x, but is based entirely on PAX. A street mod, overweight FWD car is not exactly a good candidate, however, I have my goals. I’ll let you know those when it’s all done… but I’m a cocky enough asshole as it is. Thanks for the opportunity Anthony… if I beat you I’ll be surprised, but I hope we can learn some things together.

With regards to my AE86. My marriage is in question. I’m shopping around. I’m cheating. New cars aren’t what they’re cracked up to be. I have interest in a certain hatchback, but most new car salesman are stupid. No wonder a good salesman can make a solid living. In general, I can’t believe what certain car companies think people want buy. The 86 however, certainly needs to change. I’m thinking hard. Maybe something different is in order. BNR32, FD, E36, GC8…

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