hah.  I showed you Andrews old CBR600.  If you remember, it was all white.  He’s such a man though… that he decided to buy a red one for days when it snows.  I like this picture.

Snowy Hurricane

I said I wasn’t going to play the fitment game… but I think I did decent enough by ****.  Longer control arms go a long ways.  These are my 14 6J +6 A3E’s.  Rear will use spacers.  Front could probably use 1″… but at my practical ride height there is no point.  I have since bead blasted the A3E’s and […]


Dear Russia… what’s the deal?  Ever since I installed google analytics on this website, more people from Russia have visited than from any other country.  As much as that blows my mind, it’s pretty sweet.  Thank you for striped undershirts, ???  and… …Putting up a decent, but losing fight, again in 2014.

Brother Russia…


You might have read about my trashed Hayashi Bombers: straight wheels that sat in a yard outside of Shizuoka for the past 15 years.  Corroded to hell and very ugly.  I’m currently also sitting on a set of Advan A3A’s.  The A3A’s were in pretty good condition.  The pierce bolts and inner shells were a bit corroded, but for the […]



The Southern Alberta Solosport Club has released a solo event schedule for 2010.  You know I’m totally stoked… but quite torn between running serious in the SW with Ryan, and fun running the car I love.  It’s likely I won’t always have the opportunity to drive one of the fastest solo sedans in Canada.  Perhaps it’s an opportunity I can’t […]

2010 SASC Event Schedule

I am not a bike guy, but they can be awesome… especially ones of 80’s vintage.  Andrew found this 89 Honda CBR600 Hurricane… and I’m pretty excited about it.  I’ve never been interested in the latest high powered stuff.  Every bike I’ve ever found myself admiring, is vintage and probably slow… maybe being ridden by a guy wearing goggles.  This […]

Robots and Superheros