I’m finally excercising restraint, and DIDN’T buy this set of disc’s for SSR EX-C.  Awesome style and coloring from 1988, but what made it most difficult not to purchase them was the Engrish slogan on them: “RACING MACHINE SUPPORTS THE CREATIVE ROOM TO DEVELOP THE GOODS.”  …That and the fact that I don’t have any EX-C wheels to put them […]

The Goods

If you haven’t figured it out yet.  I’m crazy about turbine/turbo/aero wheels.  You guys all want fat lips and concave spokes… but I’m on the other side. Don’t get it?  This is real 80’s race car style.  …But it is only 80’s race car style… because using your wheel as a fan to SUCK air in to your brakes is […]

Turbo Shoes

Have I kept you up to date?  Ryan isn’t wheeling a YJ anymore… he bought this sweet VZN170.  Maybe not as capable as his YJ, but a lot nicer, and family accommodating.  Currently fitted with some custom bumpers and other armor, WARN 8270, rear locker, a small lift and a few other tidbits.

Not a Car


Race City Motorsports What? I’ve pretty much already forgotten.  The proposed Badlands Motorsports Club has been presented by a few very serious and involved motorsports enthusiasts in the Calgary area.  You can view details (I’m sure for a limited time) via this PDF.  Very dope and exciting.

Doing It Right – Badlands Motorsports Resort


Coming from bicycle racing to here… I’m sure I appreciate a commitment to lightness as much as any auto enthusiast. But while I’m all for lightweight wheels, seat brackets, exhaust… lightweight shift knobs are gross.  A little bit of momentum goes a long ways towards pushing through any friction and sticky points in your shifters movement, and really helps you […]

Anti-Weight Savings – Shift Knobs