I pulled apart my Bomber’s this week for some work. I’m not sure where I’m going. I feel like it’d be a shame to polish/blast them as it would destroy the 30 year old decaling that remains intact. Ha! I said they remain intact… but obviously just barely. It’s still something… for a wheel geek like me. All the bomber’s I’ve seen up until […]

I took some time and made some measurements… did some calculations. For the most part, I’m into doing things by the book. Especially if the book I’m following isn’t fashionable, and is by some nerdy engineer or legendary builder. There are many reasons that small scrub radi are good. I think I’ve been there a few times, but the summary […]
Impractical Theory – AE86 Scrub Radius Calculator

My AE86 love is taking me places like this recently. A lot of times, I find something that a small part of me wants, but it’s seldom an actual Toyota product. This cleary is that, not that any part of me wants it. I’m certain it’s long since discontinued. At least it had better be… because no one drives Grandma around […]
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