Recaro-LX On the topic of seats, these are probably as hot as there is... Circa. 1984 Recaro LS with "gradation" fabric. These are not easy to come by in good condition, and these are probably not that. This set is currently listed on yahoo auctions japan for a reasonable price... but shipping just kills it all. There is also a similarly upholstered set of Recaro LX on eBay right now... although not in great condition at all [...]



Aerotex ChiliAerotex Brown Does anyone else actually feel the same way as I do about Zenkei red seats? I hunted for a while trying to find a suitable replacement fabric. DeGreeve Auto Upholstery in Calgary managed to find me something good though. I should note... that auto upholstery places are the places to hit. Forget Fabric land or your grandma's upholstery store... they leave you feeling empty inside [...]



We stopped at the Speedtech Show and Shine and Summer Sale yesterday.  Speedtech still does it best.  Great shop.  Toma was there with his dyno and we we strapped Ryan’s SW11 down for a few runs.  How does 300.9hp sound?  Pretty good to me. I really need to show you more of that car.



I hate to love the stock AE86 seats.  But I do.  Particularly red zenkei seats.  I’m not entirely sure where this love came from, but it is definitely a recent thing.  There was definitely a time when I thought the red interior that came in early AE86’s was gross and weird.  I remember when I wanted to look for a […]

Not Love Hate…

Yellow on PurposeAs I said, the ZJ left us stranded on Saturday night. Last winter, on the coldest of days I had observed a charging problem. It seemed the alternator couldn't keep up with the heater, and defrost, and tunes and the like. It never left us anywhere, but when it gone down to -30 or so I was definitely weary. In the summer... it wasn't really something that I was keeping an eye on. I guess I knew that I had to do something about it before winter hit again, but it turns out I wouldn't get that far. And so... since ultimately I like our ZJ, I fixed it right.
