What's the deal with Wataru taking on Keisuke in stage IV anyways? Just another sign that anime writers don't know when to stop. Somehow... this might me think of him. I'm sure you've seen it already if you've lingered around in enough underground malls and Japanese toy stores... but it's new to me. And pretty bad ass IMO. How do you get the hood open though???

The Real Driving Hero.


So… I’m still not telling you what’s going down… because in the end nothing might go down.  I’ve hyped enough stuff as it is.  This can stay a mystery. If it’s not obvious though… my AE86 is the tool to be used.  I talked about us taking a big gun to the fight before, but my AE86 and any 4AG […]

Adventure – IV

Found this buried deep in an old computer and thought it was cool.  I have actually owned 11 AE86’s… 12 if you count my current one twice, which I won’t.  I guess I only ever really spent a lot of time with my first six.  It’s noteworthy that I purchased an AE86 six times after I bought my current coupe […]

Old Find

I’ve mentioned the MKII a lot… but never actually showed you one. That’s been OK… because the MKII is pretty much the archetype of the four spoke wheel and you probably already know it. That’s lead me to say some pretty negative things though. I’m just not really into to doing things the way that everyone says I should. At least I […]


I’ve never really paid attention before… But team MOUSE is just dominating AE86 Styles, and has been for a pretty long time.  No luck finding there website… but they do appear to be quite large… with lots of representation at MSC and Ikaten.

Team Mouse


If Bunta is all over it then it can’t be bad right? You guys are all hyped about Nardi Classic and Torino… and for good reason.  Nardi wheels are sweet.  No one else has really found the right balance between classic looks and good function.  I’ve had a couple Nardi Classic wheels and I couldn’t resist picking up another for […]

Italvolanti Wheels