A Days Work

inlet-tubingActually… this only took me about 20minutes to put together.  Anyone else would give you the obligatory close up shot of nice bead… but no way I’m embarrassing myself by doing that.  My fear of pinhole leaks necessitates multiple passes on occasion.  Meh.  It looks well enough from a distance, and will be fine once painted.  Not like I’m building a show car.  The rest of my afternoon however, was spent trying to figure out the AFM to compressor inlet.  There isn’t very much room… and I probably should have ordered some different couplers.  In the end, I got it figured out… but with some ugly blue silicone, which I ordered to match some other pieces that were on the car before, and now are repulsive to me.  A 2.25″ compressor inlet and 2.75″ AFM outlet are not Vertex or Vibrant friendly.

Tomorrows time will likely be spent modifying my very ill fitting turbine outlet flange (Vibrant), so that I can build the downpipe on the weekend… and when our small Power Fist compressor overheats, I’ll try and run the coolant and oil for the turbo.  There isn’t actually much left to do… but parts taking forever are really slowing me down.  My order from mandrel-bends.com took 5 days longer than it should have after their paper work was rejected in customs, my sandwich plate still hasn’t shown, and neither has my new order of POR-15 (preventing me from putting the interior back together).

Since I’m back at work next week… feels like it’s going to take until July to get it all done, and that sucks.
PS… anyone bored this weekend and want to help?  Saturday is already pooched… but Sunday??  403.680.6196

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