August Feroce Big Man – Kyusha Truck Baller Status

August Feroce Big Man 15 6.5J 0August Feroce Big Man 15 6.5J 0Yah… it’s been a while. I’m still browsing wheels from time to time, although not with trucks in mind. Seriously. I’m not THAT interested in trucks. These are really sweet however, and it’s the first time that an interesting truck wheel appeared among my obscure search results.

August actually made (makes?) a bunch of interesting wheels for kyusha cars, which I suppose I will feature sometime when I am bored. (They are no where near as interesting as these) Most are PCD 114.3, these are the odd 137.9. That’s about 5.5″ inches if your thinking something like that would be sweet for your truck. Probably out of luck unless your rocking an old Raider.

Again… somehow when Japanese people adopt our langauge it stirs me. If American Racing ever named a wheel “BIG MAN” though, I’d probably think it was the dumbest thing ever. But I suppose, there is no way it would look like this.

Availability: ??
Cost: Low
Observed Sizes: 15 6.5J 0

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