Boro Boro/Boroi

Boro boro is cool. Beat is not. There’s something appealing about a car so purpose built that various aesthetics aren’t minded or held in attention. Sideskirts held on with zipties, mismatched body panels, a nasty conglomeration of paint in hidden places, and mismatch junk yard parts. Things like that.

I like the boro style.

Boro cars however, are still functional. They’re still safe. They do what they were built to do… well. Their owners love them, care for them, fix them when they break, and don’t let them be destroyed through carelessness. But of course… a boro machine is built for driving and accidents do happen.

The line between boro and beat is fine. Some of us who own beat cars try to camouflage them as boro by adding go fast parts and zip-ties…

Good luck with that…

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