Someone emailed this week asking about center-lock wheels and there fitment on cars with conventional hubs. We saw a couple months ago, a “faux” center-lock wheel by Volk. Hayashi’s 2463 system however, is a real center-lock that uses an PCD adapter. It’s very simple, as you can see. I certainly question the capacity of the single stud and nut. I’ve […]
I think the bolt size should do fine. Wheel bolts are under very little (if any) shear stress, that is handled by the friction between the hub face and back side of the wheel. Thus, the bolts holding it on need to be strong enough to handle the maximum sideways g-force load. In the case of a good quality M14 bolt, it should be good for at least 25000 lbs force, which would be 5+ Gs for anything lighter than a truck 🙂
I see. That’s a good note. Thanks Murray.