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Kyusha Shoes

When Zoolander came out in 2001, one of the core jokes in the film was the big-time designer putting together a fashion line called “Derelicte” based on the rags and garbage worn by street urchins in The Big City. It seemed obviously absurd, and we laughed. In 2012 Macklemore released his song Thrift Shop and we agreed that paying $50 […]
Hipsterism & Embracing Delapidation

If you are local you already know Orrin because he’s super fast and in attendance at basically every event. He is however, also a gigantic swindler. Somehow he convinces me to sell him some of my favourite wheels. Besides these Watanabe’s, he also has my old Tom’s Racing Dish in 5×100 (which he refuses to sell back to me no […]
The Fox

RPF1’s are actually AWESOME wheels… but I counted seven full sets out of forty something cars at auto-x on Sunday. There are only so many ways to keep a stock class car interesting, and I think this would be my first set of XR-4’s… Now to find some MKII’s… and a way for me to spend all my money on […]
And Then I Decided Not To Order RPF1’s

Hey these are actually the greatest wheels anyone in the whole universe has ever put on an ZN6… and I’m the guy that sold them to him. 🙂
Tom’s FRS

New website launched. That database is actually getting significantly bigger now… 400 wheels.
Same Web. New Place.

Someone emailed this week asking about center-lock wheels and there fitment on cars with conventional hubs. We saw a couple months ago, a “faux” center-lock wheel by Volk. Hayashi’s 2463 system however, is a real center-lock that uses an PCD adapter. It’s very simple, as you can see. I certainly question the capacity of the single stud and nut. I’ve […]
Hayashi 2463 Center Lock System
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I think the bolt size should do fine. Wheel bolts are under very little (if any) shear stress, that is handled by the friction between the hub face and back side of the wheel. Thus, the bolts holding it on need to be strong enough to handle the maximum sideways g-force load. In the case of a good quality M14 bolt, it should be good for at least 25000 lbs force, which would be 5+ Gs for anything lighter than a truck 🙂
I see. That’s a good note. Thanks Murray.