
[qr]GaraGe Annexe – Andrew’s shit.


There are a lot of neat places to explore by driving around Alberta. And although most people think to go touring in the summer, technically there are more surfaces that will hold vehicles during the winter. All that is required is a vehicle that you don’t mind going off the road with. This was on a lake not West of […]

Turn Down for What.

It was 2001; the summer of The Fast and the Furious. I had a fairly fresh driving license and a monopoly on the family Hyundai, but instead of mounting underglow [although tempting at the teenage-time], somehow I left the movie more interested to discover what double clutching was really for. I had never heard of Auto-X. Never ‘wrenched’ more than […]

We aRe eX


1-IMG_20150115_154437annexe /aneks/ noun: a building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodations. 10 years ago I made a new friend. He taught me that it is OK to take cars apart and put them back together again. And even better than OK to put things back together differently.

Dynamic Entry

Yes this car is still around. It’s still awesome… but as the roof rack suggests, Andrew has made it his own. Gone is the low down suspension and the home made aero… but it still has a trailer hitch on the shift lever, two limited slip differentials… and a third differential that isn’t. I got to spend some time with […]

Still The One

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