
Nandemo. Spaced out wife just says, “whatever.”


I drive here every day, and this Accord driver’s actions seem so fishy that I am fearful. One: WTF is he stopping for? Two: he is smirkish and almost giddy after getting out of the car. Three: Asian girl in a 3-series almost certainly doesn’t have a baseball bat behind the front seat. It’s true that she was closing ground […]

I Just Ordered A Dash Cam

Finally all my hate and rage combined with my love for Metallica… It doesn’t blend well with a Subaru though. I need four wailing throttles and a clutch to kick. The Subaru just explodes.


This 2014 WRX Concept dropped on the web this week, and I had a couple observations. My take that it’s as ugly has little meaning since most others seem to think it’s the best looking Subaru ever. It just looks like a chunky blue blob with nice wheels to me. Like any WRX, it’s gone way over the top trying […]

This Is Not A News Flash

Wowzers. Despite silly rumors and difficult circumstances, the weird today is that the concept of Badlands Motorsports Resort is still not dead. Have you seen the plans!?! Looks like my greatest fantasy. Best of luck to Jay and all those involved.



Very cool. It sounds exactly right, and even appears to be teetering on the edge of self-destruction.


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