Someone is Excitable

I think this guy is over hyping ice, but maybe it will help convince a couple of my friends who scoff at winter driving. There is certainly fun to be had. What really caught my attention though (besides the fact that I need to open a B&B on a lake), was the tire talk. If there was someway for me to embed the video and skip the first 5:47 I would. I’ve found it a little difficult to find good info on what kind of tire is actually best for glare ice and this helps clarify a lot for me.

Obviously I don’t have very much experience here.  I’ve heard things like, “wider is better on ice because it put more rubber and studs in contact with the ground.” I’ve heard, “less studs work better because then there is more pressure on each stud, enabling them to do more work.” And then I’ve heard the opposite of both: skinny tires and as many studs as you can… so this was especially interesting. And if you think they are going over board talking about how the first tire is going to send them to an early grave, you might be wrong. Regulations and rules regarding tire compounds and production techniques have changed substantially in the past five years for the reasons they mention. So much so that some companies are trying all sorts of natural products as substitutes for old synthetics (orange peel and banana oil for example, are two that I’ve heard.).

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