F the media. There is an article in the Herald today that enraged me 15 hours ago… and I’m still pissed. How can people write such absolute shit. I can’t believe how some people’s brain’s operate. You wonder why I always assume the worst from people… but it’s totally obvious to me:
Everyone is an idiot.
What a culture. How have we survived so far?
Maybe I really should be finding a new line of work… but starting where? beginning how?
Ryan sold the 180 and picked up his dream car… or… if not his dream car… he bought what 86 is to me. I’m happy for him.
I have two potential buyers for my car right now. I sold the star sharks on the weekend. Packing them up today was tremendously sad. I spotted those wheels on a Japanese site many years ago and said to myself one day I would own a set. It took me years and years to find them… and now they’re gone.
My heart will grow drastically harder and colder if the car actually goes… but three months from now it will be nothing to me. Actually… 2 months.
meh… maybe I won’t care so much.
After all… there is time and money. I’m still young. I can do it all again… and my cars have only gotten better and better as time goes on… so… 楽をしましょうね。
楽 = らく = ??? ラーク ??? =… fun bags? (stop teaching my girl dirty words)
I doubt I’ll find time… but I’d like to tear this whole site down and reconstruct into something that better reflects my new priorities. I doubt you’ll want to visit that site nearly as much as you visit this one.