Done work. Off to Japan in a few days to see the family. Getting bored around the house, and going for long drives. Figuring out my boost controller and understanding that this might actually be a car I want to keep. That’s a surprise because it’s really not my style: it’s big, it has a stereo, it’s turbocharged and while it’s not an ugly car it’s all blobby and smooth rather than hard and angular like I appreciate.
The roads around my house however go a long ways towards changing my mind. These 30km (THIRTY KILOMETERS!) of gravel were a wicked means of escaping from my lonely house yesterday. This is a road about an hour and fifteen from where I live that I simply spotted on google maps and had to go see for myself. Such a long drive to and from makes it quite an ordeal and going out in such isolation from other humans is a bit nerve racking… but there are lots of roads like it closer to home where I probably wouldn’t have to hike out in the case of a flat tire or other mechanical.
I am looking forward though… to seeing what the car can do at RallyX. I really am an old man and have no desire to test it on an open road.