This is over.
A summary, look back over the last 23 years of QuickR car life, is probably owed, and while this post comes spontaneously… everything else here has.
This site has detailed my life with Celica, WRX, Pulsar… even the odd pickup… but [qr]garage was founded for 86 life.
That is now long gone… Even if I generously include ZN6 activities in that category.
Once I owned four AE86’s at a time, drove Japanese backroads, rented racetracks for birthday parties, and hid from the police all night. I admit to aging faster than most People Six… but we have all aged.
The greatest respect to those who have found a way to freeze time, or better still, bend it to adult obligations.
I’m out.
Legends never die! Salute to 93
I think we put too much stock on ‘how enthusiasm is supposed to be’. There are many positives to nerd culture being mainstream now. Movies and Shows being made are now closer and more faithful than ever to their textual sources. Even original intellectual property now have rich worldbuilding backgrounds. People who do certain esoteric hobbies are now allowed to be enthusiastic and devoted without being made fun of using pejoratives like nerd or geek. etc. etc. etc.
But that too has come with the drawback that if you do something, or are at least enthusiastic about something, you MUST devote so much time and money for it. Anything less means you’re not genuinely into it.
I think it’s ok to scale back and admire things from a distance. Or maybe use the privilege of having been OG and once a pioneer to speak from a soapbox and make commentary. Like a ballplayer who now coaches, or maybe writes editorials. Bad knees and a loose agglomeration of battlescars has to count for something