Not Gone… Or Forgotten 2


The thought and one point was that I would be responsible and trade my boroi shakotan AE86 for something more practical.  It’s been advertised for the past two months… but I’m finally pulling my ads.  Maybe financial pressures will force me to renew them in the spring, but for now the car is going under covers.

I’ve had lots of offers for trades… SW20’s, AW11’s, S13’s and Integra’s but all were only mildly more practical than my AE86.  All these offers however, affirmed that this is my dream car, and there really isn’t anything I’d rather have.  I’m glad it’s not gone.  But because it isn’t, I’ll certainly have my head down for the next few months trying to scrap together a few extra bucks to replace the hole in my wallet caused by it’s continued presence, or rather, the birth of my ST185.

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