Oops. 4

a3aYou might have read about my trashed Hayashi Bombers: straight wheels that sat in a yard outside of Shizuoka for the past 15 years.  Corroded to hell and very ugly.  I’m currently also sitting on a set of Advan A3A’s.  The A3A’s were in pretty good condition.  The pierce bolts and inner shells were a bit corroded, but for the most part the faces were in good shape… except for one wheel which appeared to have been originally black, and repainted red to match the other three.

Not anymore.

a3ablastedHoly Glitter.  Damn they look awful… but they are clean.  I have regret… gonna be a whole lot of work to get them looking as they should.  I’ll be putting the centers back to red… but getting the lip polished again is going to take a LOOONG TIME.

But… part of the reason I sandblasted them, was that I wanted to sand blast something before I went after the Bomber’s.

bombercenterblastedNo need for concern though.  The centers will look brand new after paint.  I’m happy I didn’t take the Bomber shells with me however.  Having to polishing 8 lips after sandblasting would not leave me with any motivation to continue.  I’m probably better off attacking them as they are now.

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