Rally-X Again

Leaning - Too Stock

Winter auto-x number 2. Wow this puts a beating on cars. Andrew’s Legacy isn’t bomb proof by any means… but it’s a Subaru, and because of that… it has a lot going for it in terms of being ready for this serious action. Nevertheless… it definitely left the lot on Sunday, a different car than when it came. Sounds like broken drivetrain mounts, bad bearings, u-joints… awful. Whoa are we who have to fix it…

And we will… because it was an awesome drive, and I don’t want to miss the next one. Serious.

Not that it will be an easy task… already Andrew and I have about 6hrs into an intercooler install that has yet to be. Brake lines… alignment… and all the little maintenance stuff. This car is still stock and will continue to look pretty much this way into the future.

But wow it’s fun. Snow and ice was challenging… but on gravel… it wakes up and feels like a REALLY good chassis. Or at least… that’s how I feel after my successes.

If your slow it's because you run wide

I guess… I’m wishing for more competition… this weekend I finished second, and don’t think I could’ve asked for any better. I won’t whine about the car… or make excuses… I already told you what our car is about… but if I say I could have won yesterday… then I will not be giving others the respect they deserve. Not that I’m out to pay respects to everyone… but I know when I’m beat.

Andrew is TIGHT

I wondered if my old RNN14 would have gotten the job done… would’ve been a really hard battle.

Not that I didn’t battle hard. Times kept dropping and dropping… new revelations were had, miracles behind the wheel were witnessed… I never drove so well before… really. Phil and Andrew fell off the back… still… the mornings FTD did not hold up…

But someone said… if Mr. Solberg was here… he wouldn’t let it slip away. I say meh… maybe. Pro’s are pro’s… I know… there are ways to go faster that I don’t understand. There are techniques and theories I have yet to grasp. The little mistakes I make are gigantic in the eyes of a pro. I don’t know much about rally… but… at auto-x in the dry a local hero can find himself 3 seconds down on the minute in a big field.

Maybe Solberg wouldn’t let that hard tune Sti get away… maybe Sprongl gets the overall wins in a P1 car (who was the 嘘つき who told me this?) but… there’s a limit somewhere…

No one is dropping 10 seconds on the minute from my time, in my car. NOBODY.

Do you understand that my wife could jump in my car and not be 10 seconds slower than me?

I ain’t never gonna be nobody’s wife… not even Mr. Solbergs…

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