Subaru Technica International

LegacySTi-dropshadow copy

Either I have a really cool neighbor, or my neighbor has a really cool friend.

I was able to stop and take a terrible picture of this car the second time that I saw it on my block.

I remember hearing stories about golden valve covers and the technicians engraving their names on the crankshaft after hand balancing.

Hipster Alert! This is the STi that existed before STi was a noun and that people don’t know about.

Well, of course you do, loyal QRgarage reader, but you are not the average lady, are you.

One day when I have a private automotive museum I will have a rustless RS RA.

But until then I will settle for acting like a kid when I see one on the street, and remembering that everything is better in my mind than in reality.

That is exactly why we have myths and why we love legends.

Because Legacy.

Oh yeah, and if you don’t know, well now you know…. The Subaru Legacy is Officially a Japanese Nostalgic Car


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