

Surprise. Winter is over (or nearly at the least) and I’m shopping for other cars. It looks like I might actually have time to auto-x this season, but the GDA doesn’t excite me there. So what? There’s a lot of stuff that interests me: ZN6, AP1, AE86, AW11… but oddly, I probably think about an EK Civic the most. You […]

Changes With The Season


With one more year on the lake expired, I have reflected and decided that my driving has come a long long way, but it hasn’t all been pleasant and easy. I’ve embarrassed myself more than my share, which is part of learning of course… but all dedicated drivers are egomaniacs that don’t take to a solid humbling very well. Lesson […]

3 The Hard Way

Yah we have so much in common you and me!



Subaru participated in F1? I never knew. Unlike most boxer engines (which I find pretty hard to look at), this one is serious eye candy. Yeow. With a displacement of 3500cc, apparently it’s good for 650hp – not good enough to be competitive in 1990… but maybe still the greatest naturally aspirated, 180 degree engine ever. Lucky for me… I […]

NA is Better Too


David’s been reading here since the beginning, and this small chunk he put together for Road & Track is great encouragement. It’s amazing how much of my history has stuck with him.  Road & Track for their part, has done very well to evolve into more than just a car magazine.  Their website features content far more diverse than the paper […]

That’s My Name


I drive here every day, and this Accord driver’s actions seem so fishy that I am fearful. One: WTF is he stopping for? Two: he is smirkish and almost giddy after getting out of the car. Three: Asian girl in a 3-series almost certainly doesn’t have a baseball bat behind the front seat. It’s true that she was closing ground […]

I Just Ordered A Dash Cam