Andrew’s new car is already under construction… although I suppose that’s not a surprise as I did say that it barely made it the trip home over the border.  People who wrench are not always proud of boxer.

Proud of Boxer?

Things are happening all around.  Ryan bought an AP2 and takes his whole family to auto-x as often as possible.  Andrew has gone south of the border and sends this image of something I think is pretty special and interesting.  As it has already left him on the side of the road once… it has the potential to be an […]

The Grass is Actually Greener


Wow… it’s actually a little hard for me when I look at it like this.  The BC is dead and will be buried soon enough.  We had thought about keeping this car and transforming it into what I believe would have been an FSP MONSTER.  Ultimately though, one project is enough for me and rustic [qr]garage.  Trails or aura and […]

Bai Bi BC


Tick Tick… BOOM! Actually it was more like tick tick… CRUNCHGRINDSTOP.  Injector 0-ring fail, and side feed injectors are hostile to the Mobil 1.  That’s two motors in two weeks.  Is the AE86 next?  For the first time since driving an AE86, I actually hope NOT!  The AE86 can stay.  The BC can become monstrous.  がんばります。

So That’s What That Sounds Like


As much as I hate driving my car around on the streets, it is inconceivable how much I love it through pylons. I was not fast, but the car is pretty damned close to perfect.  I could really spend a lot of time dissecting it, and I will…  later.  (ha)  This is just a tease and exclamation of relief.  The […]

It Was Worth It