Randy is making a documentary. For more info SEE HERE.
Randy is making a documentary. For more info SEE HERE.
In the early 2000’s, I used to spend a lot of time and money at a place in Calgary called Indoor Grand Prix. I was however, one of very few who did, and soon after I discovered the place it was forced to close it’s doors. Before it did though, I learned a fair bit about driving a kart fast, […]
Because I never use my AE86 for anything but club events, I can insure it through Legends Insurance for a very reasonable premium. Furthermore, with an appraisal I can be assured that I will be rewarded more than pennies for my “old tin can” should anything ever happen to it. Norm at Vintage Vehicle Appraisals came by and looked at […]
The Southern Alberta Solosport Club has released a solo event schedule for 2010. You know I’m totally stoked… but quite torn between running serious in the SW with Ryan, and fun running the car I love. It’s likely I won’t always have the opportunity to drive one of the fastest solo sedans in Canada. Perhaps it’s an opportunity I can’t […]
It all fits nicely together… but this is not a heh look at me moment. I’m not really relevant anymore anyways. But if you’ve heard of it coming, then this is it. Minimal action in the garage. I’m like 50% done one set of seat mounts… but pretty happy with the results. I never have a camera around when I’m […]
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