Wow. Pretty mighty claims here. Body stiffening via a door stop? Let’s all pay hundreds of dollars for door stabilizers for all our cars. Or just weld our doors shut…

There is already way to much FT86/GT-86/FR-S/BRZ hype out there. Being the elitist guy I am it’s starting to turn me off the car… especially when all people are doing is slobbering over aggressive steel panels and angry headlights. however hasn’t disappointed. They’ve tried to take a bit of a more detailed look at things, and I am not […]
Spamming Moto (Part 2?)
I’ve been in AE86 world now for 13 years. It’s been a pretty long time, but I am not without senpai. In the early years of Club4AG, Moto-P and I were in conversation a lot: in online chat and on BBS… he taught me many things. Sometimes he hurt my feelings or told me I was wasting my time, but […]
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