WTF. This is actually funnier than Air Drifting. Apparently it’s a teaser for a book. Doubtful I’ll read it.
“All Around The World“… and occasionally in KP61. Good find Arew. PS. This is an opportunity my kids will get for sure.
Takumi’s Everywhere
Practically everyone is rolling on 8J minus these days. The real winners know that even more upsizing is NOT the way to baller status. That aside, this is probaby just a senile Japanese grandma… of the baddest Yakuza ever.
勝つ – “It Wins” from babelfish
Did I really just put this on my webpage? I wish there was a better video, but they’ve actually done well to keep You Tube clear… or maybe no one actually cares enough. I don’t care enough to upload a video myself. And I’m probably afraid of Bill. I hate reality TV. I hate TV in general. TV is for […]
I’ve never seen a hand held bead blaster.