Flashback – 2009. Remember when I formed sheet metal to brace and stitch welded a whole car? What was I thinking?
In regards to writing, I’ve thought for a while, that creative power and motivation is something that only dwindles with age. I’ve now decided that this also applies to anything creative or expressive. Commitments of age and maturity are a real disabler.
Turning a wrench or shaping some steel used to be the most satisfying things I did. Now it feels like nearly the last thing I should do.
My motivation to be a driving hero has been nullified. Now I’d rather just find a small distraction from bills and and obligations on my way to the grocery store.
“Flashback – 2009.
In regards to writing, I’ve thought for a while, that creative power motivation is something that only dwindles with age. I’ve now decided that this also applies to anything creative or expressive.”
Don’t say that! 2009 was a great year. That’s when I made Goodbye Race City. I’m not about to surrender to the idea that, THAT is as good as it’ll get.
Wow, I really don’t know where to start here.
Motivation for any single thing does go away over time, but for **** sake, don’t let that slow you down. Look at me for an example — worst driver ever in autocross when I started, but it”s amazing what 9 years of obsession can do 🙂 Probably never going to be a driving hero, but I will sure try to get there. My previous obsession (bridge) has “gone away”, but who cares, since I picked up a new one. When I get old enough to lose my driver’s license, I really hope that I will pick up something new in my life to keep me going.
Think of this as a winter depression moment and keep on trucking.
I think there is something to be said about the ability to minimize obligations later in life… and spend less time playing house with 4 year olds?
I meant to resign myself to facts rather than lament the end of the world.