Same old bullshit. How is The Matrix not the best movie ever?  Dry voice and curious head tilting aside… no fiction was ever more fantastic and real at the same time. Speedhunters has bonked… but this caught my eye a number of weeks ago… and they finally followed it up with some detail.  The car makes me want to baseball […]

Robots and Monkey’s


It all fits nicely together… but this is not a heh look at me moment.  I’m not really relevant anymore anyways.  But if you’ve heard of it coming, then this is it. Minimal action in the garage.  I’m like 50% done one set of seat mounts… but pretty happy with the results.  I never have a camera around when I’m […]

Goodbye Race City

My old site was soo much cooler than this wordpress stuff. I’m not sure what to do about it… but I think I do actually care.  Certainly wordpress has a few things going for it… maybe I just have to get really crazy with my theme customization. If you want to see what I’m really about, or at least used […]

Old Site


Yoshiko teases me as buying “decorations” for my car. I guess so.  I’m not even sure I like them.  The probably won’t get installed.  I just need them to be legit.  We all know how important that is.



Yeah my MKII’s are really here!  I even passed on selling them for a couple hundred bucks profit.  Mine. I’m kind of shocked though, at how 14″ tire sizes have almost entirely disappeared in the past three years.  My hope was to run the most aggressive streetable tire that I could.  What I had in mind was some A032R’s or […]

Round Things

… on me I’ll understand. Things are SLOOOW in the garage.  It’s easy to find motivation for basic wrenching… but fab and welding… I can hardly get anything done in an hour time-slot, and that’s about all that I’ve been able to afford. But what I am working on is primarily getting the new Recaro’s in the car.  That has […]

If You Give Up…