Robots and Monkey’s 8

Same old bullshit.

How is The Matrix not the best movie ever?  Dry voice and curious head tilting aside… no fiction was ever more fantastic and real at the same time.


Speedhunters has bonked… but this caught my eye a number of weeks ago… and they finally followed it up with some detail. 

The car makes me want to baseball bat the fenders on the AE86.  It makes me want to buy a pipe bender and go fab crazy.  It makes me want to live in the barn and make all my dreams come true.

I do still know what those dreams really are. … kind of.

It’s 10 below, late at night… and I’m going out to wrench.  死ね。

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8 thoughts on “Robots and Monkey’s

  • Neil

    awesome car…but these types of rides appeal to two types of people, 1. those that like to admire a piece of art, it’s definitely artful, at the same time though, a piece of art in this sense is meant to be parked and admired, and 2. those that like alot of attention when they drive a car around, this machine would be cool to drive around for a short while however I know I’d be getting tickets out the ying yang, and every time I’d stop in a public place I’d have to be prepared to converse with onlookers.

    however, if their was ever going to be a gritty remake of Initial D, this is exactly what Takumi should be driving.

    Geez Q, on that moment of inspiration, I hope you didn’t run out to the garage and chop off those nice factory steel flare and replace them with black plastic toycoorolla flares, then slam it 🙂 …I know I was tempted!


  • Doug

    Car looks wild, Neil brings a solid point to the table. Vickers you ever win that ebay motors competition?

  • randedge

    I really truly despise this car and others like it. This despite the fact that I am so thoroughly taken aback by how stunning and gorgeous in a ratty kind of way it presents itself. It’s like a hipster.

    While it seems odd that I would compare a counterculture movement that has the appearances of the next social revolutionary, I believe it is apt. Consider: This car looks ratty, has mismatched body panels and a rough approach to the mods performed. However, it is not that way due to happenstance like most of us. Unlike a true clapped out driftermobile, the way this car looks is not an afterthought because the owner ran out of funds due to spending the majority of it on other more essential matters, but rather a finely crafted and thought out approach to that particular style. It’s like the used pants, bargain bin one off army button down, ancient scarf and cheap eyeglass frames – hipsters don’t wear these because that’s all they could afford; they wear that because it’s the style.

  • Q

    “If beatniks and not illuminated Beat poets overrun this country, they will have been created not by Kerouac but by industries of mass communication which continue to brainwash man.”

    For sure there is a line to be drawn.

    But that Z… is to me the epitomy of “beatitude”, regardless of intentions.

    I haven’t hacked up my quarters yet… and I probably never will. Certainly though I’m looking for another means towards a similar end. There’s got to be someway I can throw f-bombs at the world, whilst still remaining a monkey within it.

  • Vickers

    if this becomes couture, then ill be able to hock my crap for a MINT.

    hell, i’ll even ‘pre-rust’ the panels like a VW and get extra beat-cred.
    and no, i never did win. sadface.

    Q, your middle finger to the world is drifting. You should really try it sometime.

  • Paul

    True Randy, ready made awsome, I kinda wish it was built to drift, or had been drifted and used till it reached this state of awsome.
    BUt it seems to have just, become, this, looks like he built it on a buget and pretty fast as well.
    The amount of low and awsome is inspiring.

    Damn hipsters taking all the cool stuff and making it mainstream and lame.

  • Anh

    If I decide not to tackle bodywork on my current 86 coupe, the Z would be my inspiration…sorry Randy.
    My car already has mismatched fenders, mismatched oe GT-S front bumper sides, S12 lip, flat black hood, faded red paint, some rust & a set of widened Cressida steelies dying for proper stance (on the list of things to do)!

    Great find Q!