I’ve been browsing, and trying to learn.  It’s not really THAT educational, as most of what’s inside is stuff I’ve picked up over the years anyways.  It’s nice to have a quick, solid reference on hand though.  I could quote you some of the fine print, to justify my build… but I don’t mind acknowledging that YOU TOLD ME SO […]

Maximum Boost


I think this picture looks good…for something to come off an iPhone… I might have to come make another camera purchase.  The doors on the barn have finally unfrozen (half at least) and I let the car sit and idle while I once overed all the bolts and tweaked the alignment in preparation for being out on the road this […]

Fancy Lights


AFM tuning. The car is all but road worthy after a solid afternoon in the barn. An alignment and a few other details remain, but the turbocharger is fitted in it’s entirety. You guys all tell me I’m going to blow up if I run the stock computer. You say that tinkering with the AFM and modifying the stock management […]

The Number 2 Reason Why My Car Is Going To ...

There isn’t really any content here.  This past week has been spent looking at details: things like gauge mounting, learning turbo plumbing, vacuum and engine lubrication… and why my first start attempt never actually started.  The downpipe is on and fitting good, although it took a 5 pound sledge to get a safe distance off the firewall, and Dave Coleman’s […]



When you have the right tools, nothing is really that hard.  Making a downpipe, is what I’ve dreaded the most since I started turbocharging the car.  Between the irregular shape of the turbo outlet, and the tight confines of the steering column and frame rail I was quite fearful of screwing up and wasting time and materials.  Hammer forming the […]

Downpipe Dekiru?


Well… not quite, but I’m going to look into it.  The truth is… our RAV-4 is actually gross.  It’s more gutless than our Echo even… and it’s not actually getting great gas mileage.  480km on 50Liters is worse than 10L/100km.  The Echo surprisingly… uses about 30% less. But more than that… I’ve been frustrated over and over again, finding time […]

Abandon Ship