Recent events… including the passing of an old friend and being trapped in the house and out of work, have given me cause to look back and reflect on the past.
In 2005, Ryan (the R part) and I decided that we wanted to try new things, so we put together a series of drift practice events. We were never so hardcore as to think these were competitive events.
As you can likely tell by the appearance of the cars in attendance, most drivers were pretty new to the idea of drifting. Some understood 90’s Japanese car fashion… and some just wanted to shred junkyard rubber.
These were good times.
By today’s standards, what we were doing was barely drifting… but many of these cars and drivers figured it out right shortly after.
These images are courtesy of Ian G. His work was good then, and it’s even better now. This event was held April 27th, 2006 at the now barred NW Westerner Grounds lot in Red Deer, AB.