
With nearly all parts having arrived, things are starting to look up, and it’s just a matter of getting things together. I took sometime today to plop the old motor back in the car, and test fit our manifold and turbo. I stated early that I wasn’t entirely happy with our manifold, and now perhaps… I’m even less happy. The […]

Turbo Coming Together??

Things get serious… Our MSNS has arrived. Our clutch has arrived. Our Turbo manifold has arrived. The MSNS… such things are way beyond us. Since the 86 is still a distance away from running, I think a reasonable plan of action might be to install the MS on my daily driver AE92, just to gain familiarity with it. Time is […]

Parts Collections

There has been little progress. The car remains in the exact position it was as of our last entry. The GZE sits up on a stand awaiting assembly… it’s all quite… bad. How many months do we have left? When will it get soo cold that our propane heater will accomplish nothing and make QuickR Garage inhabitable? Will we ever […]

Mechanical Progress – Nil


The coupe is underway and… It’s October! And… being more experienced now, than I was three years ago, I can look at our long list of things to do, and realize that even though we have five months to get everything together, it’ll be awfully tight. Already I’m thinking about cutting down the work load by delaying a couple things […]

Turbo Works

Ryan and I spent the whole day yesterday doing something on our new black hatch that should have taken only an hour or two. This leaves me absolutely dumbfounded about how there are so many 86 enthusiasts. Maybe all 86’s can still be fun to drive, but some of them are so well aged now that wrenching them can be […]


It’s time. My ’86 has been mostly reassembled and only awaits a wheel alignment and insurance. Most of what I had planned over the winter never happened. What else is new. I have however, spent the last week ripping the suspension apart to replace bushings and balljoints. Very good. I’ve also removed the EGR completely, replacing the crushed piping with […]