The Age – Internet 1


You guys have any idea when the first webpage went online? It’s recent to me… but your probably so newb that it was before you were even born. 1990 FWIW. And you tube? Psshh… please. We used to right click and save everything, and at one point I had a pretty sick collection of vids. HAD… a pretty sick collection… but hard drives crash, DVD’s get lost and people bonk. Thank You Tube for allowing you to re-live my OG moments.

From ??1998??

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One thought on “The Age – Internet

  • randedge

    I fondly remember the MIDI music present on most pages. It’s so tacky now, but back then it was pretty cool. Like, if you had music on your homepage, it meant you had enough bandwidth to support it and was therefore the shit. It’s like Flash nowadays. Though actually, even that’s a bit mundane now.