Moto IQ 1

motoiq - 4A-GESo… my internet car life has all but been reduced to browsing yahoo auctions, and looking at useless car porn on websites like speedhunters, motormavens and omgpancakes.  No one is smart anymore.  Remember when people actually cared about how their cars performed?  Now it’s just about wheel fitment, and slow motion videos.

MotoIQ is like Race Tech or Race car Engineering for people who drive real cars.

They recently detailed a hard tune 4AGE build… that’s what lured me there in the first place but… the content goes much deeper than that.  Read, Learn, Go Faster.

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One thought on “Moto IQ

  • paulcorolla

    Moto IQ rad, one of the few places I go nowadays.

    I like the wrench tips, I used the screwdriver tip dip to get a stuborn philips head screw out and it worked!! 🙂