

A new all-weather style. Maybe you think it’s nothing new, but for many of us who were raised on road racing, the quarter mile and Car and Driver magazine, often the only things worth getting really excited involve fiberglass body panels that scrape asphalt or tires with lots of negative camber and a tread that somebody drew on. That was […]

The Real Canadian Car Life

Winter auto-x number 2. Wow this puts a beating on cars. Andrew’s Legacy isn’t bomb proof by any means… but it’s a Subaru, and because of that… it has a lot going for it in terms of being ready for this serious action. Nevertheless… it definitely left the lot on Sunday, a different car than when it came. Sounds like […]

Rally-X Again

RNN14 was out of commission for a couple days while I waited for a new outer tie-rod end. Took a couple tries to get the right part… finally went to Brasso and learned that 95 Sentra’s share the same tie-rod ends. Easy fix. Car is back together. It snowed on the 27th… hard. With studded KW19’s my car is monstrous, […]

All-Weather Monster Born

I’ve written but I haven’t updated. The main page says something about major mods being in the works for my car. That’s not the case. It sits idle. I tried getting the MSNS running on the weekend, but I need to do some more reading first. Something many people claim as being easy, turns out to be a little more […]

Privately on the Road Course

It’s been way to long since anything has been written here. Know that I’ve tried on numerous occasions, but with so much going on, it seems hard to order my thoughts and write something that has structure, and is even somewhat readable. Ryan took the coupe up to the final CSCC auto-x last weekend. He placed 5th overall, and was […]

2005 Season End