
Q's New Era Hachiroku Ryan's SW11

Past Projects

In the fall of 2001 Ryan and I started assembling and modifying cars together.  All started in different forms, some from scratch, others from near full build requiring only tweaking and tuning.  Nevertheless, all of these cars have been ours… we have a tendency to go through a lot:  lots that never even made mention here, and some that I spent hours writing and thinking about.  It is some form of A.D.D…. really.  In the first few years after we teamed up, neither of us managed to make it through a single season with one car.  They came and went. Mostly it was because we liked to dream, but it was also partly because there was always someone willing to buy.  Cash just looks so good.

Note: These charts are for fun.  Don’t confuse them for us being hard core and bad ass.  Check it out.

Mochi's JCE10 projects-gda3 Q'S Power Wagon projects-bc62 projects-fjz80 Andrew's Trackick Qs Daily Still Qs AE86 Ryan's VZN170 Mochi's ZJ Mochi's UCF10 Arews BC6 projects-sabi project-aw11sc RN66 Boroi AW11 RNN14 Ryan's NA6CE GZ20 AH Civic projects-a1 Original AE86 All My Other AE86


I’ve found something to aspire to. After my last week fighting phantom mis-fires, flashing MIL’s and what are hopefully dummies on the internet, I wish my car would blow up and die. At least then I wouldn’t feel like I’d be chasing phantom problems and removing air boxes and batteries with all my barn time. I could move on… to […]

My Fantasy


Oh yeah I forgot. This is why I never owned a Subaru until now. It’s missing and cough and spitting and feeling undrivable. That’s very annoying as our first snow fall of the year is expected today. What to do?? Buy a cheap OBD scanner? Buy an expensive OBD scanner that does other stuff too? Just dump $600 on new […]


Before the internet, and before I knew about toe-out and LSD and rebound damping I went to auto-x and had fun.  Somewhere along the way my knowledge and ambition began to interfere with wanting to do things because they were fun.  I should be more ashamed to say it. I went karting with my family a couple weeks ago and […]

Like a Kid Again

Heh look what is on Kijiji again. How many weeks has it been? I think about 8. It’s just as he says too: very good condition, perfect for winter, no damage… but some cars just suck no matter how they look on paper. This is even oddly tempting for me… it certainly was a fair sight in the garage, but […]

My Ex

Andrew’s new car is already under construction… although I suppose that’s not a surprise as I did say that it barely made it the trip home over the border.  People who wrench are not always proud of boxer.

Proud of Boxer?

So far so good.  Andrew is wrenching his new BC, and it makes me very happy that my car is stock and staying stock.  Whatever that means… I’m in the process of ordering a sway bar, shocks and some bushings.  And I’m also shopping for some interesting stock sized wheels on which I would run 245/45 16 race rubber?  That […]

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