
Q's New Era Hachiroku Ryan's SW11

Past Projects

In the fall of 2001 Ryan and I started assembling and modifying cars together.  All started in different forms, some from scratch, others from near full build requiring only tweaking and tuning.  Nevertheless, all of these cars have been ours… we have a tendency to go through a lot:  lots that never even made mention here, and some that I spent hours writing and thinking about.  It is some form of A.D.D…. really.  In the first few years after we teamed up, neither of us managed to make it through a single season with one car.  They came and went. Mostly it was because we liked to dream, but it was also partly because there was always someone willing to buy.  Cash just looks so good.

Note: These charts are for fun.  Don’t confuse them for us being hard core and bad ass.  Check it out.

Mochi's JCE10 projects-gda3 Q'S Power Wagon projects-bc62 projects-fjz80 Andrew's Trackick Qs Daily Still Qs AE86 Ryan's VZN170 Mochi's ZJ Mochi's UCF10 Arews BC6 projects-sabi project-aw11sc RN66 Boroi AW11 RNN14 Ryan's NA6CE GZ20 AH Civic projects-a1 Original AE86 All My Other AE86


Hmmm… Subaru’s look best when they have a practical ride height. This seems too low to me… although maybe that’s just the extra 30mm of rubber shaving off my paint. Easton fender roller may have to rescue me again… Andrew and I auto-x again this weekend…

Summer Mode 1.0

Yah that says Ohlins. Not the fancy ones of course… but those 5″ diameter STI springs were an aesthetic nuisance, and the stock ride height was totally vibe killing. Spring rates are 7kg/mm up front and 5kg/mm in back, which is pretty standard spec for this car. Camber plates let me find that extra degree of front camber I was […]

Tsukushi Found Some LV At The Thrift Store


This chunk of wood got a lot of compliments, until people found out that it was wood. Truthfully, I felt just fine about it, until I had to tell people what it was: birch plywood. A mature individual recently approached me about buying the WRX. His words to me were something like, “I like what you’ve done with the car […]

Garage Hack Aero PT3


Well this update was going to wait until I had appropriately sized tires… but it’s past boring in here, and the tires are a couple weeks away at least. Andrew felt so bad about beating me at auto-x two weeks ago, that he decided to buy me some Toyo R1R’s in 235/40 17 so that I can try for revenge […]

No new car. New shoes.

Trucks in general are boring. They all look the same. They all have basically the same engines, the same options, and they are all everywhere. I needed a truck though… so here I am. Mine at least, has a bling bling grill. It’s a great deterrent for all those yuppie jerks driving 3 series BMW’s or AMG Mercedes, who would […]

Because Zombie Apocalypse


Subaru intake manifolds, crossover vacuum lines, and Canadian heat cycling means that working on my engine requires a very careful touch. Meet my fuel vapour sensor, who had an arm amputated by my fat left hand. At 11pm, with a running car required the next morning, cursing was heard. Plugging vacuum lines and trying to fool the ECU didn’t provide […]

Hacking Methods – 46

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4 thoughts on “Hacking Methods – 46

  • GrantC

    I’ve seen that cracked & glued back together on a couple cars.

    It’s location is usually exactly in the way to get broken by a ratchet when futzing with the PS pump, but I’m guessing that’s not how _you_ broke it… :p

  • DynamicEntry

    There is something deeply – yet, abstractly – familiar about this.

    Broken vacuum stuff is Subaru folklore; it permeates the entire experience…