Past Projects
In the fall of 2001 Ryan and I started assembling and modifying cars together. All started in different forms, some from scratch, others from near full build requiring only tweaking and tuning. Nevertheless, all of these cars have been ours… we have a tendency to go through a lot: lots that never even made mention here, and some that I spent hours writing and thinking about. It is some form of A.D.D…. really. In the first few years after we teamed up, neither of us managed to make it through a single season with one car. They came and went. Mostly it was because we liked to dream, but it was also partly because there was always someone willing to buy. Cash just looks so good.
Note: These charts are for fun. Don’t confuse them for us being hard core and bad ass. Check it out.
100% worth it. They exist for a reason. Even if you can trick the ecu to give you correct AFRs the timing is going to be way off for boost. AFRs mean nothing without proper timing.
Just got Power FC for the SR yesterday and I’m so happy.
I’ve had success with MS before on a couple setups.
There is a lot to learn with ms, but I know a really cool guy who has a ms with edis and everything. It’s been run before and it’s plug and play, even has an engine harness. I want $600 for it.